so i've totally updated my myspace (everything except my userpic and travelogues i think), so everyone should check it out. especially the
AWESOME vid i put up. i'll give you a teaser: it involves N., dancing, and lots of alcohol. note for B.: this was our pre-party before your bday-bash!
and i thought i'd post some pics up here too!

the law school gang, minus R. (who i think is at a bar on the haight). we had just finished finals our first semester, L. got engaged about 20 minutes before this was taken, and B. was about to get engaged the next day!

the city from treasure island. it was such a great day, so N. and i decided to drive around sf and marin for a while.

harry potter night!

i think it's funny that N.'s shirt says "youth leadership, racial and social justice." if you know him, you kinda realize how spot-on that is. i think we were in sf when we took this.

part of the quints during our traditional lets-hang-out-when-i-get-back-to-hilo nights. we did the requisite cafe pesto, had salmon linguine, and then went back to A.'s place to hear some of her knew music. she truly,
TRULY blows me away. and i stand by my previous statements that SHE NEEDS TO MAKE AN ALBUM!
check out myspace for the rest!