December 4, 2007

old habits die hard

bad habits are so hard to break. what's your bad habit?

then again, it's not so hard to start new, better habits either. i started going to church again. forgot how much i missed it. how important that part of my life is to me. it's easy to forget when you think you can handle everything on your own. not so easy to forget when you finally realize you really can't.

so here's a note to myself for future reference: it's okay to not know what to do. it's okay to need help, direction, advice, objectivity, sympathy, comfort (yeah, that's the hardest, isn't it?). it's okay to...need something/someone other than yourself.

baby steps. baby steps are a good start on your way anywhere. or so i've heard.

in any case, i'm at the halfway point in this self-imposed 3-year crisis. that's got to say something, doesn't it? i like to think so.

so yay for me.

and about those bad habits? you'll grow out of it one day.


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