well, not really rich and famous. just me.
so i've been contemplating a lifestyle change over the passed couple of months. just in terms of my weight and health mostly. i think lawschool has shown me that i really need to take care of myself, and though my definition of a healthy lifestyle definitely differs from other people (i.e. i don't see a problem with drinking energy drinks, i have a weakness for soda that i'm not sure i can give up, and breakfast just isn't that important to me), there are certain things even i recognize need to be changed.
it started out slowly at first, with little changes i would hardly even notice. for example, i allow myself to eat fast food only once a month now, if ever. no micky D's, no burger king, no wendy's on the daily. just once a month. and then, only if that once a month happens to occur because nothing else is open (this usually happens when i get home from class too late). i used to buy bottles of water and keep those on hand because i've noticed that part of the reason i drink so much soda is because it's convenient. you know, open the fridge, grab a can, and off you go. so the whole act of getting a glass, pouring water, refilling the pitcher, then having to wash the glass, seems pointless when you can just have the ease of a soda can/bottle. i've stopped doing that because i went broke, but i think i should start it up again, since i was definitely drinking more water then than i am now. i also used to snack on veggies. i mean, i generally don't snack period, but i think it was better for my metabolism when i was snacking, and the snacking was on cucumbers and carrots.
so here's my plan so far: N. and i have (for the most part) cut out a large portion of the red meat we're eating. this is thanks to the Quints, who i saw this passed weekend. alex and pukui used to be vegetarians (i think alex still is...), and le'a is definitely a vegetarian now. and it was just inspiring i guess. especially talking to le'a and hearing about the foods she's substituted, etc. but N. and i are carnivores at heart, so we've decided not to go cold turkey. after all, let's face it, nothing's better than some rib-eye right off the grill! so we're allowing ourselves red meat once a week. i think he'll probably allow himself chicken as well, but i'm trying to eat less of meat and poultry altogether. so we'll see how we do without cow, pig, and bird. we'll eat a lot of fish. and i've started grilling/roasting a lot of squash and zucchini (yum!), which is great. i also think i'll start buying more fresh veggies and putting them in little baggies or zip lock containers for snacking. you know, kinda like portion control?
that's the biggy: portion control. i eat a lot at dinnertime. it's because i generally don't eat breakfast, and i've started eating salads for lunch. and i don't snack. so by dinnertime, i'm halfway to starving. and i overeat. it'll help that the overeating is done if veggies and stuff, but still...overeating is never good. so i'll have to watch my portion control.
oh! i also think i've convinced N. to allow me to mix our [sacred...lol] white rice with brown rice. my mom does it, and my older sister eats brown rice whenever her hubby isn't around, and i think it would help. N. was not too happy about that at first, but i think he'll come around.
i'll be seeing a nutritionist soon so we'll see what he/she says...
as far as exercising goes...well...hmmm. N. and i said we wanted to start hiking more, and that can happen beginning next week because i'll be done with work for the summer. my doctor also said i should get a gym membership and start working out for real (i.e. not just walking on the treadmill at home). she's right, i know she's right. but i hate exercising! oh well, we'll see how it goes. if i get a gym membership, i have to go, because otherwise i'm just paying a monthly "fat tax." (some clever comedian called it that and i loved it). *sigh*
anyhow. yeah. i guess there just comes a time when you realize that, though the crash dieting and the starving yourself works for a little while, (and it does work, regardless of what people say) in the end you're better of not depriving yourself. you should just change your habits and alter the things you crave so that the deprivation (aka the healthy lifestyle) doesn't feel so much like punishment. so that's what i'm trying to do this time around.
we'll see how it goes.
June 26, 2008
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1 comment:
Sounds good to hear you thinking about your health. Improving just that one area of your life will really improve other parts of your life as well. For example you'll be able to focus more on school work because you'll have more energy, you'll literally feel lighter and have an easier time breathing. Sleeping though is a major part of fitness. Leave that out of the picture and you've just jacked your health.
As for exercising, what helps me is making it a "must" just like brushing your teeth. You don't think about it, you just do it. That's how exercising has to be cuz there's gonna be days when you for real do not want to do it. You can't rely on whether or not you feel like it cuz you won't get it done.
Thinking about people who have lost a lot of weight inspire me cuz I know they took that commitment and had to keep on it to see results. And as for those who have had to lose more than a hundred pounds, they had to stay really focused and dedicated!
Either way, get your body moving even when you think nothing's happening. That's a trick cuz if you're moving, you're improving.
There's a podcast that I have downloaded that also keeps me inspired. You might wanna check it out: "Motivation To Move." Just look it up. It's a guy talking.
I send you my best wishes in your new lifestyle!
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