this is going to be a different sort of post than usual. ever since i started on this whole "saving money" thing, i haven't been shopping once. not once. and unfortunately, not shopping doesn't getting rid of the wanting to shop.
but it has given me time to think. about my style in particular. are you one of those people who are comfortable with their style? do you dress exactly the way you would dress if you had unlimited funds and confidence? what i've noticed about my own dressing habits is that i tend to dress rather simply. that's not to say that i don't prefer simple things, because i do. but after some thought, i realized that i actually have a pretty eclectic taste in fashion. it's just i don't have the confidence to wear half of what i like, and i can't afford the other half.
here's some of what i like:
there are some times when i love katy perry's style. her make-up to be specific. although i'm kinda liking the jacket, shorts, and knee-highs at the end of the vid...
i love literally everything from anthropologie. it's one of those things where everything i own would come from that store alone...if it weren't so damn expensive. but the shoes? the jackets? the tops? the jeans? the bedding, for crying out loud? awesome.

so i'm currently in a very turbulent love affair with urban outfitters. i love love love their cardigans and skinny jeans (because like many girls, i'm also still in search of the perfect skinny jean) and bags, etc. these are not necessarily from uo, but they might as well be.

alright, this is weird, but for some random reason, i completely adored alexis bledel's wardrobe from sisterhood of the traveling pants 2. it was just really clean and elegant and simple. lots of whites and blues, and a few bright colors thrown in. it was also a lot of dresses, which i don't usually do. i really should wear more dresses... maybe that'll be my spring resolution?

here's some other randomness. i'm into lbd's (though i don't have one yet), vests, long necklaces, plaid, boots, knit hats (i luuurve knit hats), and i recently discovered that i'm not too old for everything in american eagle! yay!

and finally, here are some fashion blogs that friends have suggested and that i love to read when i'm in a clothing craving kind of mood:
The Ice Coffee Book Club (used to be My Vogue Handbook)
Uber Chic (check out the recent Uber Chick Awards)
Coco's Tea Party
Philosophy of a Fashionista (used to be Oh That's Chic)
What I Wore
Karla's Closet (she just got these AWESOME new tattoos...) Meagan
The Personal Stylist
Mama was a Rolling Stone
The Ice Coffee Book Club (used to be My Vogue Handbook)
Uber Chic (check out the recent Uber Chick Awards)
Coco's Tea Party
Philosophy of a Fashionista (used to be Oh That's Chic)
What I Wore
Karla's Closet (she just got these AWESOME new tattoos...) Meagan
The Personal Stylist
Mama was a Rolling Stone
I loved Alexis Bledel's wardrobe in SoTTP2 also! I also wish I lived in Greece!
1) I totally loved Alexis Bledel's clothes. Vintage meets nautical. Loved.
2) I would LOVE if you wore more dresses. You'd look amazing!
I really kind of hate you right now.
A. I'm broke and trying not to shop too.
B.I'm not happy with my style. It hasn't evolved since undergrad/high school.
C. I love everything you posted!
I'm not going to have money shop for a very long time. Ugh.
Also, I never got around to seeing SoTTP2. I need to get on that! I read all the books.
so i made a final investment purchase and will no longer shop until we pass the bar. but, in the meantime, let me know if you wanna go shopping - i'm pretty sure my backup plan is a career ala rachel zoe or stacy london.
p.s. thank the stars we don't live in NYC. i checked out a blog that listed the insane sales they had/are having. for example, the 'almost free' sale at bendel's which means 80% off stuff and the sample sale (50%+) at gucci.
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