i think an appropriate place to start is with the fact that LAW SCHOOL IS OVER!!!
it is over. kaput. finito. accomplished. ended. stick a fork in me, my friend, because i am DONE!
and i can't say that i'm not ecstatic about it. it's almost shocking really, because there's no sense of...nostalgia accompanying this momentous occasion like there was when i graduation from high school or college. granted, i adored high school (as well as literally lived there since it was a boarding school), and couldn't ask for a better four years at college than i had, so maybe that has something to do with it. law school for me was...not like that. here's a short review (and if you want the long, drawn out story, simply click on my "law school" tag and it'll take you to all the blog posts in which i give you all the nitty-gritties)"
year one: 1L
i think i spent the entire first semester of law school wondering if i'd made the world's biggest mistake by going. what exactly did i sign up for? where did all of my straight-A's go? who are all these geniuses i'm surrounded with? what the hell is a tort? and, most importantly, did i even want to BE a lawyer? law school for me, right off the bat, meant re-prioritizing my life in large (and not always positive ways). N. and i fought constantly because aside from him i was now also dating these demanding and possessive dudes named contracts and crim, civ pro and property. first and second semester finals passed in a hysterical blur. but i did meet some amazing people. best law school friends a girl could ask for. i don't know what i would have done without them, and i still don't. if anything else, that year of constant self-assessing and second-guessing bonded us, and for that i'm grateful.
year two: 2L
i may have finally hit my stride here. sure, i over-committed myself to absolutely everything, but these were things i was learning to love, after all. i began working on a journal, and doing research for a professor who i will continue to work with after graduation. at last i was able to take those classes that were the reason i even came to law school in the first place (and yes, international human rights, you were a mixed bag for me), and i began writing an article which has - thus far - been one of my proudest achievements. but best of all? i wasn't a 1L anymore!
year three: 3L
i said it once and i'll say it again, whoever said that your third year is your easiest LIED. because for most people i know, myself included, this last year was definitely the hardest. maybe we did it to ourselves by expecting too much, by thinking we could intern full-time and take all those classes we wanted, by trying to get published, by doing too many clinics, by taking on too much extracurricular activities, whatever...it was still the worst. and my prize for it being over? barbri!
so now, all that i can say when it's done, is that i'm glad. i'm glad that i did it, i'm glad that i met the people i met, and i'm glad that it's over. there is no sadness for me. there is just the shining silver lining that is the end of law school, the fact that i have a whole new wonderful group of friends, and the fact that i now have a j.d.
so thank you law school for making me a stronger, smarter, different person than i once was. thank you for helping me to grow up. thank you for pointing out my passions and opening doors for me.
but i will not miss you. :)

from B.
congrats on finishing!!! I feel the same way about grad school. I wish I had a set date endpoint though, that would help a lot!
congrats! now all you have to do is take the bar. haha :)
just saw your entry after i wrote then cut down a cheesy goodbye to my law school life. i'm having teary nostalgia! so even though it's the opposite for you, try to keep in touch. either way, i'll stalk you through your blog. i know whether you become an attorney or not, you will do amazing things.
Congrats to you girl! I'm so proud of you!
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