the job listing was for a copywriter for an online vintage clothing magazine entitled "". don't ask why, but curiosity got the best of me -- i mean, what kind of vintage clothing was this exactly? and why, if it's just your run-of-the-mill sort, would you name it that?! so i clicked. and was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn't some sort of soft porn site, but was in fact just sort of urban outfitter-ish. (i still haven't figured out why the powers that be named the store shopnastygal. bad pr, i guess?).
but while browsing, something else occurred to me.
when did the 90's become vintage?
were you as big a fan of "my so-called life" [aka, jordan catalano drool-a-thon] as i was? well, shopnastygal seems to specialize in clothing from that era. which, to me, is not vintage.

when i think of vintage, i tend to think of maybe the 50's through the 80's, if even that. for the most part, the 80's and definitely the 90's are just...old clothes.
a denim jacket with studs? flannel (which, for the record, i love)? those flow-y sun dresses that came crinkled? crushed velvet? retro. thifted. not vintage.
and you should not be charging more than $20 for said clothing. unless they're brand new from UO of course.
anyway, i had to check out my theory. and the all-knowing Wiki has spoken:
"Generally speaking, clothing which was produced before the 1920s is referred to as antique clothing and clothing from the 1920s to 1980 is considered vintage. Retro, short for retrospective, usually refers to clothing that imitates the style of a previous era. Clothing produced more recently is usually called modern or contemporary fashion. Opinions vary on these definitions."
a small bone to pick, i know. but what can i say? it made me feel old.
it's strange to think of it, yes, but technically my so-called life is like, 15 years old. jared leto is almost 40. [a mighty good-looking almost 40, i might add.]
anyhoo, we are getting old. i just choose to ignore it.
as you know, i'm a fan of vintage...but not of the 90s, which was the worst decade for fashion (or lack thereof). anyways, enjoy nasty gal - it's the local trendy online boutique being hit up by all the fashion bloggers
is jared leto really almost 40? dear god, what happened to us? we really need to take that gf trip soon before WE end up 40 and asking 'whatever happened to that gf trip we were supposed to take?' oh gosh, i have to go have a snowball moment, excuse me.
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