the fact that i still haven't found a job is astounding. i mean (and i know this will sound arrogant, but i promise i don't mean it like that), how exactly has it been nearly two months of applying for jobs and i've gotten no call-backs? how?
the economy, you say.
no shit, i say.
but someone is getting these jobs. and yes, they probably are way more qualified than i am (though i'm already over-qualified for a lot of these positions), but doesn't this go against some sort of law of physics or nature or the universe? throw enough mud at the wall and some of it will stick, right? right?!
wrong, my friends. so very, very wrong.
because i've been throwing mud for weeks. none of it stuck.
and i don't think it would be so completely overwhelming (because hey, who couldn't use a two-month long vacation?), except for the fact that it's a hit to my pride, and i have bills to pay. lots of bills. astronomical bills.
bills that have brought me to my knees and made me promise God that, when i finally do get a job, i will never step foot in anthropologie again.
okay, that's a lie. (sidenote: maybe i should apply for a job at anthropologie...)
but you get the idea. lots of expenses, little money. practically no money at this point.
so this is all to say that i know some of you have been waiting for that post about my plans for the next two years. but amidst the sleepless nights (and by sleepless i mean SLEEPLESS), the frantic job hunting, and the frustration, i just haven't had time to think past next months rent. sorry. it's coming eventually.
alright! to make myself feel better, and because i neglected to post it earlier:
and just because (there never needs to be a reason for some rob): an oldie but goodie.

welcome to how i feel about my nonexistent love life. pretty much exactly. is that weird?
also, i HAVE a job and i am sufficiently drowning in bills, so i can't really imagine what is going on with you.
my advice would be to go to your nearest mall and try and find something retail? i know that seems defeatist and so NOT something i would say, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. plus, that kind of job is easy and meaningless to ditch when you find something better and there's not really any danger of getting "sucked in."
unless you've already tried this. :(
oh man, I'm so sorry. Keep at it!! You never know when something will happen. Fingers crossed!
I'm sorry. I swear that job hunting is just about my least favorite thing to do in the world. It's like an emotional roller coaster that mostly goes down.
I enjoyed the Rob Pattinson picture, though. It played a part in a vlog I was recording (I'll post it Friday). This probably makes no sense right now, but it will then.
Take care of yourself.
I totally know how you feel and I'm sorry you have to go through it. If it makes you feel any better...actually, just know that you're not alone in the experience, I'm not sure my sharing my story will make you feel any better. Hang in there.
ku'u: but if sharing your story would make YOU feel better, then you definitely should. you know we're all here for each other...
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