i like bad tv. i really, really do. and i'm totally unashamed of that fact. i like shows that many
if we both weren't drunk, and if i didn't know what she meant by that statement, i'd have punched her.
but i did know what she meant, because i realize that i have very shallow, base-level standards for what i consider entertainment to be. and that's it really: it doesn't need to be good, it just needs to be entertaining. i'm not watching prime-time tv to learn something. i go to school for that. i'm watching it so that i can take my mind off of the important things for an hour or two.
so with that said, i present you with my initial tv series reviews (out of 5 stars) for this season!

airs: mondays @ 8pm
3 1/2 stars
if i'm honest with myself, the reason this season is getting a low 3 1/2 stars is because the characters of peyton and lucas are gone AND their absence hasn't even been explained! it's driving me nuts! plus, i feel like things are sort of floundering right now, with story lines not really going places at the moment (except for maybe nate and haley's). i do, however, like the additions they made to the cast, though i wish those character developments would happen already. but GOD the music is still so good!

airs: mondays @ 9pm
2 stars
am i being harsh with the 2 stars? i don't think so. this season has been, and i'm sorry but it has, BORING. who cares about serena's dad (or any of her other problems for that matter)? and where did blair's backbone go (DO something already!)? will nate ever get a story line in which he's not a man-whore? does vanessa have to be so annoying? and where the heck is little j?! at this rate i'm not sure this show will survive the college shift. at least not for me. :(

airs: wednesdays @ 9pm
5 stars
in answer to your question: yes, it's as good as everyone is saying it is. it's probably better, actually. the script is clever, the story is something that keeps you coming back, and the singing. well, that's just amazing. so if you haven't yet, i would suggest you go online and watch all the episodes before next week, and then jump headfirst onto the bandwagon. maybe even hop onto iTunes and purchase all the songs from the show. because it really is the cast singing, and they are great.

airs: wednesdays @ 10pm
3.75 stars
is this show really a nearly-4 star? probably not. but you need to understand something about me: this is right up my alley. i love these kinds of story lines. you've got a small town and three witches? i'm there. the writing is fun, the women aren't annoying, and there's a nice mystery unraveling. what's not to like? note, however, that i haven't read the book [yet].

airs: thursdays @ 8pm
4 stars
i'll admit i was worried. you think twilight was personal? this was personal. (e.g. i wanted to name my future daughter elena for most of my young life because of this series). but as it turns out, i happily don't remember just enough of the books that i'm not seriously offended on some deep, elemental level by each episode. plus, i mean, have you seen the guys they've got playing stefan and damon? and the story's okay too. i'm always worried what damon will do, and stefan's got that dark, broody vampire thing down. elena's not annoying (which clearly is how i judge whether shows are good or not...), and i don't hate her (as i think i did at one point in the books). i wish bonnie's story would develop quicker, but whatever. oh, and the cw has another total win on the music front.
and because i love it as well, i'll post my rating/review of "legend of the seeker" when the second season premiere's on nov. 7th. but for now, go watch some bad tv!
See, I love bad movies, but I guess I hold higher standards for TV, since it takes so much time to keep up with. I did watch the first few episodes of Glee, though, and I've heard it's gotten even better, so I think I'll catch up on that one.
um, i totally watch all those shows. except not one tree hill or gossip girl anymore, but i figure greek and make it or break it and the 10 things i hate about you show (and like, any show on the abc family channel) make up for it.
you'd be hard pressed to find someone who watches more television than i do. and i have no problem with professing my bad taste in just about everything.
one, i think i could rival imi on who watches more television. two, have your star ratings changed after seeing this week's show? three, i know i don't like musical things to begin with, but i don't think glee should ever be rated (that) high over gossip girl. four, i agree wholeheartedly about the peyton lucas thing. and five, i also don't remember enough about vampire diaries to be upset about anything, but i am thorougly enjoying it.
you know, ku'u, i would actually stick by my ratings even after this week. and i TOTALLY think glee should be ranked that much higher than gossip girl. gossip girl has just...fallen off. maybe it's me, but i'm just not addicted anymore. i'm so annoyed by so many characters. i have a love for oth so i can't ever really give up on it, but it too needs to pick up speed. and i miss l&p. :( glee on the other hand? sooooo good. sooooooooo good!
um...ku'u wishes she watched more television than me.
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