I realize that NaNoWriMo was a while back and ended nearly a whole month ago (where did December go, anyway?), and I'm sure you've also noticed that I've been conspicuously absent from the blogosphere lately, so I'm going to take this chance to recap November and all of its writing glories and pitfalls.
First, I did not make it to the end of November this year. I think I actually stopped somewhere in the first week. I'd like to blame it on the story itself, or the characters and their persnickety natures which made it impossible to get from one chapter to the next, but it's neither of those things. I just couldn't get myself to commit this year. I was distracted -- November and December really are notoriously busy months for me (and everyone else on the planet, I think) -- and I honestly wasn't sure how to move from one section of the story I'd written to the next. That big writers block wall wins once again!
I'm not giving up on this story though, because I really do think it's one of those stories that sort of hits all the things I love about my favorite books, and isn't that the kind of thing we should all be writing anyway? Not in a jumbled, lets-put-everything-into-the-same-pot, kind of way, but in a good, organized, I-would-have-written-those-books-this-way-if-it-were-me, sort of way. And NaNoWriMo is the thing that got me writing it in the first place, regardless of whether or not I "won".
Will I do NaNo again next year? Definitely. I am going to reach the finish line. I am going to get that t-shirt. I am going to have a finished product one day if it kills me. Okay...maybe not if kills me, but you know what I mean! Until then, I'll keep plugging away at this one and will hopefully be working on something new when November rolls around again.