Yesterday's post was about me trying to navigate through my feelings of disappointment (and anger, if I'm perfectly honest) over my own laziness and loss of motivation/inspiration when it came to this journey I'm taking toward...self-improvement, I guess? It was about me trying to understand that -- contrary to my own instant-gratification-perfection-seeking-ideas -- it's okay if this journey takes me a little more time than I would have liked, and it's okay if I experience some set-backs. It was about cutting myself some slack, which is probably something we all could do for ourselves a little more often, don't you think?
Anyway, so after writing this post yesterday, I set about trying to identify things in my life that would re-inspire and re-motivate me to pick myself up again after 2 weeks of desolation and get started once more. What were some of the things I could turn to or do that would inject some much needed omph back into my life when I find myself in the middle of those days when I just don't want to participate in anything unless it includes sitting under a pile of really comfy blankets on my couch wearing my favorite sweats, eating my favorite foods and watching some probably crappy TV? Here's what I came up with (and I would love, love, love any more ideas or suggestions!):
Talking to inspirational peeps: Yesterday was one of those interesting days where it's confirmed that things happen in their own time for very specific reasons. I mean, there I was trying to find things in my life that inspire me and all of a sudden I have a phone date with one of my closest friends who also happens to be one of the few real-life people that never fails to be inspirational for me in some way, shape or form. (This is noteworthy because she and I talk maybe once every few months and yesterday's call was sort of random.) This girl is beautiful in so many ways, but the way in which she inspires and motivates me most is in her love of the outdoors and her active lifestyle. When Nate and I visited her and her boyfriend in Denver last summer, I was continuously struck by how healthy and active and open her life was. They walk or bike everywhere, they hike a lot, the mountains are like, right there at all times, they eat well and they have this happy, full life without having to spend thousands of dollars on it (she's admirably frugal too). And every time I talk to her or see her, I'm reminded of how much more effort I want to put into being healthier and more active and much, much more in touch with the outdoors. These are things I want, things I love and she's an example of making those things a priority.
Nerding out on inspirational reads: The thing you need to realize about me is that I'm a student at heart. I love learning and reading and thinking. When I want to figure out how to do something, I will almost always find a book on the subject that I can devour. So it's no surprise really that, when I want to up the ante on inspiration, I would head straight for those stacks and grab books like Tracy Kidder's Mountains Beyond Mountains. More recently though, I've been into reading self-help/nonfiction books, blogs, old entrees in my journal, and even Twitter and Facebook (particularly the updates from former high school classmates that now make me so thankful for the choices I made -- and want to continue making -- in my life). Some of those reads include: Stratejoy (obviously...that site is like this never-ending well of motivation, camaraderie and support), Ramit Sethi's I Will Teach You To Be Rich, Mark Bittman's Food Matters, Women's Health Magazine, Lauren Conrad Style (because not everything has to be super serious. No judging.) and much, much more. If you have any suggestions for some added reading (fiction too), please let me know! I'm always looking for something new to check out!
Trading in my melancholy music for some inspiration: Okay, so I'm not giving up my mellow fav's wholesale, but I do think there's something to be said about music affecting a person's moods. And call me crazy, but I don't think I'm going to feel like getting out of my cozy nest of a couch and making moves while listening to Band of Horses (though they're good for practically everything else. I <3 you, BoH.). So I created a "pick me up" playlist which, while it admittedly destroys any street or indie cred I might have ever hoped to possess, seriously does make me smile. It's not as upbeat as you may think (that's reserved for my "dance party at my desk" playlist), but every song makes me feel either: A) lighthearted, B) grateful, C) motivated, or D) calm and relaxed without being dejected. Overall, it's a pretty good mix of pop, folk, country and a tiny bit of rock and church. I've been listening to it a lot in order to get my ass moving some things like journaling regularly, reaching out to friends and making plans, anything. Here's a little sampling of what this playlist looks like (click on the image for a closer look):