March 9, 2011

What's in a Name?

So recently I've begun seeing this "Ten on Tuesday" thing around the blogosphere (like here, and here) and, though it's actually Wednesday -- I'm late so much -- this week's Ten featured the following little questionnaire, and it seemed like a fun one so I thought, why not?  Feel free to fill one out yourself, and make sure to post your name here, where it all began.

1. How did your parents decide on your name?
So first things first, Kahea is actually not my first name.  It's my Hawaiian name -- meaning I have an English first name, a shorter English middle name, a Hawaiian name, and then my last name.  But for the sake of my blog, I'll treat Kahea as if it's the first.  My parents didn't decide to name me Kahealani, my grandmother on my Hawaiian side of the family did.  She's a pastor and perhaps that's why she gave me a name which means "the call of Heaven." 

2. Do your initials (First, Middle, Last) spell out anything fun/funny?
Nope.  They're AMKP.  Totally uninteresting.

3. Did you take your middle name from childhood or did you take your maiden name as your middle name? (If unmarried, what do you plan to do?)
I don't think I'm going to give up my last name when I get married.  I sort of like the way it all flows together, and keeping my last name is pretty important to me, especially since my dad has been blessed with all female children.  Plus, Nate's last name all by itself really, really doesn't match either my name or face.  Hint?  He's half Chinese.  I'll probably hyphenate.

4. Are you or will you name your children thematically (ie. same first letter, all of same origin…)
I don't really have a preference.  My sisters and I all have the same letter to start our first names and its been fun listening to our parents when they're trying to call one of us -- so much mixing up.  It's come to the point where my dad has us numbered.  My kids will all have Hawaiian names, and probably a Chinese names too (though that won't go on their birth certificate).  I like the flow of having an English name, a shorter English middle name, a Hawaiian name, and then their last name (which will probably be Nate's last name).

5. Did you decide on baby names as a little girl? Did you stick to them or change your mind?
Oh, I've definitely changed my mind over the years.  I used to like Abcde a lot for a girl, and Elena after I read "The Vampire Diaries" when I was 12, and Josh.  But now I have a running list that I add to as time goes on, and that Nate and I confer over once in a while.

6. Does your family have any names that have been passed down through generations?
My English middle name is Mae, and that's my grandmother's middle name as well.  My cousin's Hawaiian name is also Kahea, and my younger sister and Aunt share a middle name as well.  I think my dad's middle name was passed on too.  I'm not really stuck on passing down a name, though I like the idea of passing Mae on in honor of my grandmother. 

7. Do you look at the meaning of the name or just the name itself?
When it comes to English names, the meaning is interesting, but it definitely wouldn't bar me from naming my child something.  Unless it was like, a blatant meaning.  For example, my older sister wanted to name her daughter Brazen for a split second, and the only thing I could think was that I'd end up calling the poor child a brazen hussy at some point or another.  Thankfully, my sister chose (read: stole from my name list) another, much prettier, name.  But when it comes to Hawaiian names, meanings are just so important culturally.  You really need to be careful when naming the child after someone, and you want the name to imbue qualities into the child that you hope they have in life.

8. Do you name pets with human names (Sally, Henry) or with pet names (Fluffy, Mr. Bo Bo)?
Meh, depends on how I'm feeling.  We named our current dog Finnegan because he's an Irish sheep dog.  My family also has cats named Mija (Spanish for sweetheart) and Isabella, and dogs that have a variety of Hawaiian names.  And some names I like for animals also include Story, Indie, Miso, Maggie and Kaya.

9. Are there any names that you have an affinity or dislike for based on a childhood experience/someone you once knew?
Ugh, yes.  But Nate seems to know more people (or dislike more people) than I do because it's been a challenge for us to find names that don't remind him of someone.

10. What are some of your favorite names? Why?
None of the following English names really have special meaning to me, I just think they're beautiful names and they don't have terrible nicknames that I can think of. 
  • Emmaline
  • Quinn
  • Ethan
  • Noelle
  • Noah
  • Lena
  • Margaux
  • Brenna
And some of the Hawaiian names I like include:
  • Malanamekahulu'ohemanu: light as the feather of a bird (referring to a light spirit)
  • Kuna'e: to stand firm against opposition
  • Nohea: handsome, lovely, beautiful
  • Imaika: (I'm still unsure about the meaning of this one)
  • Nainoa: free spirited