May 26, 2010

a break in the silence

but only for a minute.  and it's just so i can say...

if anyone knows of any job opportunities in the bay area (big, small, nonprofit, government, corporate), please send them my way.  though i am still currently employed, i am officially prepared to start looking for new possibilities.

May 16, 2010

on a break

i'm gonna go ahead and say it...i'm taking a break from blogging.  not because i don't want to write, or can't think of things to write about, or find no use in writing right now.  but because my life at the moment is very literally consumed with work.  every single free second of my time that i'm not working, i'm thinking about it.  and because work hasn't been a very positive experience for me lately, i'm throwing my entire self into getting through the next month relatively in tact.  then i'll be back.

so until then, i look forward to escaping from my day to day as i read your blogs, but i won't be writing in mine.

we'll talk soon!

May 2, 2010

a respite

when things are complicated and overwhelming, and it all seems like it's too much to bear, sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to get away and reconnect.  it's a great big, beautiful world out there, and that's easy to forget in the face of all of our day to day stresses.

i was reminded of that fact this weekend, when i fell in love with yosemite.

"in God's wilderness lies the hope of the world - the great fresh unblighted, unredeemed wilderness.  the galling harness of civilization drops off, and wounds heal ere we are aware." - john muir