May 27, 2007

is this what relaxation feels like?

so finals are over and i still haven't gotten my much anticipated facial or massage. yet. i'm thinking this week sometime, before the madness of summer internships begin. here are some thoughts and updates:

  • i've found the cure for the horrendous break-out of post-finals blemishes and pimples: tea tree oil. L. and i went shopping last sunday and i got a tiny bottle from the body shop. i've been putting the oil directly on my "irritated" skin once a day for a week. oh. my. word. use it. love it. live it.
  • making bath salts is INCREDIBLY easy. just combine 1 cup of epsom salts, 1/4 cup kosher or sea salt, a few drops of food coloring, and the essential/fragrance oil of your choice. put it in a pretty glass jar and voile! bath salts.
  • i've had so much free time that i've rediscovered day-time television. even though i really should be doing the required reading for my internships (who REQUIRES reading for INTERNSHIPS anyway?!). so now i'm in love with charmed (yes, i said charmed, which i know is no longer even making new episodes). and i'm in love with drew fuller. and although i've always hated the term...he's such eye candy. had a dream about him last night....completely platonic, i promise.
  • "i have a cute-ass friend named D."
  • i want to remodel. i've been dreaming about doing that as well. and can i just say that in my dreams, i am DAMN clever?! i've come up with a bunch of things that i SWEAR are genius when it comes to redecorating. i should have been an interior designer.
  • the oakland zoo is cool.
and CONGRATULATIONS L.! i'm so excited! first of the quints to get engaged!!!

and that's about it for me right now. i miss my friends, who are all gone all over the world right now. COME BACK ALREADY!!!