February 9, 2009

a simple reminder i gave to a friend

i wrote this comment on a friend's blog a couple of weeks ago, and when i re-read it i realized that this was something i needed to constantly remind myself of. so here's my reminder.

i think a large portion of [the feeling of wanting drastic changes to be made in our lives -- because for some reason we are less excited about today and tomorrow than we once were -- while simultaneously missing the simplicity of what we had when we were younger] is also just growing up. when we're younger, we have more time to live in the moment and go from interest to interest because we don't have as many [real and large] commitments that we do now. (i.e. school loans, car payments, rent, looming marriage and children, future planning, 401K's, etc.).

because i often find myself feeling the very same thing you're describing, i think there are 2 things we should both remember: 1) it really is very important to change if you need that change in your life. while that change can be scary because of those very commitments i just mentioned, if we don't allow ourselves to take that leap, we ultimately end up unhappy. and 2) we have to accept that our lives aren't going to always be exactly the way we want them, and even if we work to make our lives that way, it won't happen right away. it's okay to have periods of your life that are less exciting than others. we need those times to fully appreciate the better times. we need those times because it's when things are less the way we want them that we grow as people and learn to [cope with all of life's differences].

i guess i just mean to say that every single season of life is meaningful. and while it's important to take control of your life and make it the life we want to lead, it's also important to realize that, because life can't always be the life we want it to be, we need to find things to appreciate in the life we're leading right now.

1 comment:

AHONUI said...

Hey Mands. I just read your comment on the "Let Go" post! Mahalo. I replied back to your comment, but here it is posted at the bottom:

/ / / Wow . . . Good point. The "letting go" I did actually produced the opposite result. I told myself, no more worrying. With that, the things that didn't matter so much fell away and the things that were important stuck. Neglecting responsibility isn't necessarily in the forefront (yes you still gotta do taxes!)

But by allowing things to drop away, I could see what was right in front of me. It was about taking the phrase, "only the present is real" and really experiencing that. The worrying I was doing was about future events that may or may not happen, and the worrying I did wasn't/isn't going to change anything about it.

I would suggest reciting these Reiki principles on one morning and give yourself permission for JUST ONE DAY . . .

"Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings.

Just for today I will not worry.

Just for today I will not be angry.

Just for today I will do my work honestly.

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing."

Doing this is like a detox from mind clutter (the constant noise in your head telling you what you should be doing instead of recognizing the wonder that the present moment holds).

Instead of worrying for one day, I like to replace the negative noise with affirmations, or the feeling of knowing that right now at this very moment is perfect just as it is. ACCEPTANCE is a big thing. Try saying, "I accept myself as I am. I accept what is here in front of me. I am perfect just as I am. There is nothing more that I have to DO, BE or HAVE in order to be perfect. I am already perfect. I am worthy and deserving. I accept others as they are. There is nothing more that they need DO, Be or HAVE in order for me to accept them. I don't have to change them."

You can mess around with the words in the affirmation. The main thing is to get the feeling. The word "perfect" may have too heavy of a load attached to it, but the jist of the meaning of "perfect" in this case is acknowledging that we are more than our careers. We are more than our bodies, or personalities, our likes and dislikes, we are more than how much money we make or what others think of us. There is something so much more important in all of us that is the true reason for why we came to this Earth. That is the perfection that I am talking about. That essence is already in you. There is nothing more you have to DO, BE or HAVE in order to recognize that.

Thanks for your comment. It made me think about the question again. Tell me what you think about this. And now I'm off to read YOUR new blog entries . . .

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