March 11, 2011

Birthday Edition: My 30 Before 30

Do you have a 30 before 30 list?  Though I have a hundred-item Life List, I've been looking forward to making a shorter, more...plan-friendly and doable one and have been waiting for a sort of natural starting point.  Then, when I turned around and my 27th birthday was staring me right in the face, it seemed like -- dare I say? -- fate.  Ugh, I really hate that word.

And the 30 before 30 list was born.

For those of you who are getting a little List Fatigue at this point, I feel you.  But the past several months has been about me trying to figure out what I want out of life, and lists are a great tool to use when working through that.  However, the next stage of this little journey I'm on is going to be all about putting these goals in action.  I'll be perfectly honest, I'm a little nervous...

My 30 Before 30 List - in a semi-chronological order:
[Brackets refer to Life List items]
  1. Establish a regular workout routine
  2. [84.] Meditate regularly
  3. Quit my current job
  4. See at least 6 live music shows [seen 2, have tickets to see 3 more so far]
  5. Go on a road trip along the East Coast [possibly happening in August]
  6. Attend a taping of the Colbert Report
  7. Complete the NaNoWriMo challenge
  8. [25.] Write a novel
  9. Run a 5k [training begins next week]
  10. [15.] Sign up to go on a service trip abroad [in the early planning stages now]
  11. [64.] Become comfortable driving on freeways and learn to parallel parking
  12. [32.] Take public speaking courses (public speaking is one of my biggest fears)
  13. [18.] Begin language classes (Spanish?  French?  Hawaiian?)
  14. Visit an out-of-state national park
  15. Attend a Stratejoy workshop/event 
  16. Meet some bloggers in person
  17. [61.] Run a 10k
  18. [43.] Go on an archaeological dig
  19. Submit a piece of fiction for publishing
  20. Spend a weekend at my favorite bed and breakfast
  21. Cook my way through an entire cookbook
  22. Apply for grad school
  23. [8.] Take a 3-month-long backpacking trip around the world
  24. Take mom to Ireland
  25. Run a half marathon
  26. [62.] Finish paying off my credit card debt
  27. Start eating only humanely/naturally raised, free-range products (and less meat in general)
  28. [80.] Start a retirement fund
  29. Get engaged (Possibly.  Hopefully.  This one's obviously negotiable.)
  30. [81.] Start the process of moving back to Seattle (Again, hopefully.)